CFP: Historicizing Fat (4/1/07; MLA '07)

full name / name of organization: 
Elena Levy-Navarro
contact email: 

"Historicizing Fat"=20

A Proposed Special Session for the 2007 Annual Convention of the Modern =
Language Association


Papers are solicited which consider how fat been constructed in =
different historical periods. Papers might consider times in which fat =
was unmarked entirely, understood in other than pathologized terms, or =
alternatively, they might give a history to the category of "obesity." =
I am interested in the way in which history, broadly understood, can be =
used to imagine and thus create alternatives to what sometimes seems =
like an all-too-oppressive present. As such, papers that reflect on the =
role history can play in creating a fat accepting community are =
especially welcome. =20


E-mail a one-page abstract with a short biography by 16 March 2007 to =
Elena Levy-Navarro at You will be notified of your =
status by 1 April 2007. All participants must be members of the MLA =
before 7 April 2007. The MLA will be held in Chicago, IL from 27 Dec. - =
30 Dec. 2007. =20

Elena Levy-Navarro, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Program in English
University of Wisconsin at Whitewater
Whitewater, WI 53190
(262)472-5047 (tel.)
(262)472-1037 (fax)

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Received on Mon Dec 11 2006 - 18:38:29 EST