CFP: Mixed Race/Jewish Identity (1/10/07; ALA, 5/24/07-5/27/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Allison Smith
contact email: 

2007 American Literature Association Conference, May 24-27 in Boston

At this year's ALA, the Society for the Study of Mixed Race will sponsor a
panel on American texts (both written and visual) that explore the
intersection of mixed race and Jewish identities. Just as theorists who
consider mixed race heritage have examined identity as a challenge to
traditional racial binaries and mapped out notions of racial liminality,
so too have a number of theorists who consider Jewish-American identity,
including Matthew Frye Jacobson, Michael Rogin, and Karen Brodkin. Still,
other authors such as Jennifer Chau and Rebecca Walker have also produced
works that attend to the the combination of mixed race and Jewish
heritage. Papers for this panel may focus on mixed race Jewish identity
or on the parallels between the ways in which mixed race and Jewish
identities are imagined in America.

Abstracts of no more than 200 words should be sent by January 10, 2007 to
Allison Smith at

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Received on Mon Dec 11 2006 - 18:26:49 EST