UPDATE: Rhetorical relationships morality and ethics (1/10/07; SGES, 2/15/07-2/17/07)
A Violent (Re) turn to Ethics?: Implications, Complications and Situations"
13th Annual Southwest Graduate English Symposium
February 15-17, 2007
Arizona State University
Rhetorical relationships – morality and ethics
The conference entitled "A Violent (Re) turn to Ethics?: Implications, Complications and Situations" invites you to submit papers that explore the rhetorical relationship(s) between morality and ethics. What are the differences between the rhetoric of morality and the rhetoric of ethics? Are there differences? What are the similarities? If any. Does a (re)turn to ethics implicate a (re)turn to morality? If so, how so? What does this mean? Do these relationships influence the material or the way we structure or teach our classes? Should it?
Paper proposals should be no more than 350 words and submitted by January 10, 2007.
Please include home and office numbers, complete mailing address, e-mail address, professional affiliation, and AV requirements with your submissions.
Please direct submissions to: asu2007symp_at_yahoo.com
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Mon Dec 11 2006 - 18:26:05 EST