CFP: From House to Home: Representations in Victorian Literature and Art (grad) (UK) (1/10/07; 3/3/07)

full name / name of organization: 
FromHouseToHome 2007

We invite proposals for papers lasting no more than fifteen minutes from post-graduate students on any of the following topics:

• Ideas of the spiritual home.
• Gender and the ideological construction of home. How far is the house a feminised domesticated space? Is the home a safe space for women or an oppressive prison? Male and female domains and the negotiation of gendered space.
• Family dramas and the private self.
• The haunted house and the uncanny: Ghosts, spectres and the domestication of the Victorian Gothic.
• Explorations of interior space: How significant are the cultural representations of certain rooms? For example, the parlour, the bedroom, the staircase, and the dining room.
• Employment in the home: The Victorian governess, seamstress, cook, and servant.
• The relationship between the home and the socio-political sphere. How far is the home a microcosm of wider Victorian society? The home-front: The Victorian ideology of home in relation to the wider British Empire.

Please send abstracts of no more than 200 words to Lizzie Ludlow and Madeleine Wood at by 10th January 2007. For a booking form and further details please contact the organisers via email.

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon Dec 11 2006 - 19:53:05 EST
