CFP: Medieval Emotion (grad) (1/15/07; 3/31/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Wesley Yu
contact email: 

Medieval Emotion
Princeton University Graduate Conference in Medieval
Studies 2007
Call for Papers
The Program in Medieval Studies at Princeton University invites graduate
students to submit paper proposals for its annual conference, to take =
on Saturday March 31, 2007. This year's theme is "Emotion," and the =
speaker is William Ian Miller, Thomas G. Long Professor of Law at the
University of Michigan Law School. The conference will provide a venue =
graduate students to discuss their work and to engage in dialogue with =
from other universities. Medievalists have been on the forefront of =
scholarly work arguing that emotions must be understood in specific =
contexts, rather than as universal, and this
conference aims to foster discussion and understanding of emotions in
medieval settings.
Possible topics include:
    . specific emotions (e.g., anger, fear, love)=20
    . emotional communities
    . literary or artistic portrayals of emotion
    . the role of emotion in religious life
    . medical or scientific understandings of emotion
    . public and private expressions of emotion
    . emotional responses to works of music or art
    . gender and emotion
    . cognitive history of emotion
    . mirabilia and theories of immersion
Papers that present problems and questions, rather than absolute
conclusions, are welcome. We invite participants from a breadth of
disciplines (including, but not limited to, archaeology, art history,
classical studies, comparative literature, history, history of science =
medicine, near eastern studies, language studies, literature, music,
paleography, philosophy, and religion) and a range of geographical
specializations to present on topics relating to the 5th to 15th =
Papers should fit within a half-hour time slot.=20
Please submit a proposal of no more than 500 words by January 15, 2007 =
James Byrne at
 <> Contact James if =
have any questions regarding this conference.

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Received on Mon Dec 11 2006 - 19:53:03 EST