CFP: Rape in Art Cinema (3/1/07; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
Dominique Russell
contact email: 


(Essay Collection)

Deadline for proposals: March 1st, 2007

In her 2001 book Watching Rape, Sarah Projansky, argues that rape is =20
=93a key force throughout the history of film,=94 and that =93one cannot =
fully understand cinema itself without addressing rape and its =20
representation=94 (26). Despite new theoretical explorations and =20
increasingly graphic depictions of rape onscreen, however, rape has =20
remained under explored in Film Studies. The few book-length studies =20
that exist focus on rape revenge films and Hollywood. This collection =20=

seeks to redress that balance by looking at the representation of =20
rape in international art cinema. How does rape function narratively =20
and stylistically within this =93high culture=94 context? What does its =20=

prevalence reveal about cultural practices? How do these =20
representations intersect with pop culture representations? How does =20
the theme of rape play out in the work of different national cinemas=92 =20=

privileged auteurs?

Papers can focus on rape and sexual violence within the mode of art =20
cinema; across national cinemas; in a director=92s oeuvre; in a =20
specific film or group of films. Innovative, theoretically =20
sophisticated explorations from a range of perspectives and =20
disciplines are sought.

Please send proposals to by March1st, 2007

Proposals should include:

- Provisional title,

- 500-word abstract

- Provisional bibliography

- Short bio.

Accepted contributions (7,000 words) will be due in May 2007 for =20

in late 2007/early 2008.

Dominique Russell
Assistant Professor
Department of Modern Languages and Literatures
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
University of Western Ontario
London, Canada
N6A 3K7

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Received on Mon Dec 11 2006 - 19:53:06 EST
