UPDATE: Ecocriticism and Science (1/5/07; ASLE, 6/12/07-6/16/07)
Panel proposal for the upcoming conference of the Association for the =
Study of Literature and Environment at Wofford College, South Carolina, =
June 12-16 2007
Ecocriticism and Science: Sociobiology, Evolutionary Biology, and the =
Question of Culture
Prominent scientists in many disciplines - from sociobiology and =
evolutionary biology to ecology and beyond - already recognize the =
existence of culture in a great many other creatures. Of course, the =
notion that animals and other creatures have culture is not a recent =
discovery for many; most people who work with animals on a regular basis =
(out of the confines of the laboratory or slaughterhouse) have sensed =
this possibility for centuries. This panel will consider the =
implications of this knowledge -- sociobiological, evolutionary, and =
ecological -- for ecocriticism and human culture.
Please submit abstracts between 450 and 650 words to Professor Helena =
Feder (federh_at_ecu.edu
92-493B-B56F-D09E1EC42798&start=3D0&len=3D2815&src=3D&type=3Dx> ) by
January 5.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Mon Dec 11 2006 - 19:53:33 EST