CFP: 2007 TYCA West: Building Communities of Lifelong Learners (6/10/07; 10/12/07-10/13/07)

full name / name of organization:
contact email: 

2007 TYCA-West Conference =E2=80=93 Call for Proposals=20
October 12 -13, 2007=20
Atrium Suites Hotel=20
Las Vegas, Nevada =20
The National Council of Teachers of English, Two-Year College=20
Association-West invites participation from everyone who desires practical,=
 hands-on ideas=20
for teaching. The theme for the October conference centers on Building =20
Communities of Lifelong Learners. =20
Each year, the conference will focus on a particular theme. While proposals=
that address the theme are especially welcome, other proposals will be=20
considered that address relevant topics and issues. Of particular interes=
t are=20
hands-on, active presentations that encourage audience participation and=20
Please submit:=20
A cover page that includes the title, speaker/s, email/s, and phone number/=
of all involved, along with a brief 40-100 word description of your =20
presentation and the format of the presentation (panel/workshop/lecture/pape=
r =20
reading). The time for all presentations, regardless of format, is 1 hour=20=
and 20=20
minutes. Only one copy of this information need be submitted.=20
Proposals should be postmarked by June 10, 2007. Send to:=20
Bradley Waltman=20
Community College of Southern Nevada=20
English Department - J2A=20
3200 East Cheyenne Avenue=20
North Las Vegas, Nevada 89030=20
You may also email your proposal to: _brieat7_at_aol.com_=20
( =20
For more about the conference contact:=20
Brad Waltman, TYCA-West Chair =E2=80=93 _brieat7_at_aol.com_ (mailto:brieat7_at_ao= =20
Or visit our website _www.tycawest.org_ ( =20

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Dec 15 2006 - 20:15:52 EST
