CFP: Hemingway's Sense of the Sacred (1/5/07; ALA, 5/24/07-5/27/07)

full name / name of organization: 
del Gizzo, Suzanne
contact email: 

CFP: Hemingway's Sense of the Sacred

(ALA in Boston, MA, May 24-27, 2007; Proposals by January 5, 2007)


The Hemingway Society invites proposals for a panel on "Hemingway's Sense of the Sacred" at the American Literature Association conference in Boston (May 24-27, 2007). This panel, which is designed to complement the Society's other regular session on "Hemingway's Materialisms," seeks to explore different notions of the sacred in Hemingway's work. Papers might address a variety of issues including but not limited to Hemingway's experiences with religion (his conversion to Catholicism, his interest in Santeria, his parents' muscular Christianity, his encounters with Islam in Africa), his interest in ritual and/or physical extremity as a means of transcendence, and his sense of the natural world including intersections between the scientific and the sacred.


1-2 page proposals should be sent to Suzanne del Gizzo at Please include your name, institutional affiliation, and any AV needs in the proposal.

Proposals must be received by January 5, 2007.

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Received on Fri Dec 15 2006 - 20:46:01 EST
