CFP: Me, Myself & Eye: Mediating Identity (grad) (2/28/07; 5/4/07)

full name / name of organization: 
gayle allan

Me, Myself & Eye: Mediating Identity (Graduate

4 May 2007, La Trobe University

Spend a day at an interdisciplinary conference
organised by postgraduates from the English Department
at La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia.

We are interested in:

* Through the Looking Glass – Perception and
self-perception in (auto)biographical writing
* Portrait of the Artist – The artistic Eye/I
* Who am I/Eye? – The ego and narcissist
* Keeping an Eye on Writing - Literary criticism and
the literary market
* Room with a View – Social identity, status and
communal perception/judgment
* Medusa's Laugh – Gender identities and the
pleasures/horrors of (returning) the gaze
* He's looking at you, kid – the mediation of the
world in film, photography and the media
… and any other perspectives.

Presentations can include talks, readings, show and
tell, panel discussions, performances and visual

Closing date for submissions:

Tuesday 31 December 2006-10-10

Send expressions of interest to the email address
Include a short biographical note and a 200 word
outline of your presentation. Include the length of
your presentation (approx. 20 minutes) and your
technical requirements.

See you there!

Organising Committee: Gayle Allen, Tom Crosbie, Dina
Dounis, Elisabeth Hanscombe, Dinah Partridge, Juliane
Roemhild, Jennifer Sell.

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Dec 15 2006 - 20:16:10 EST