CFP: Queerness and Violence (2/19/07; 6/2/07)
CFP: Queerness and Violence
Queer Studies Graduate Symposium
University of California, Davis
June 2, 2007
The war on terror has become the monolithic face of violence in dominant
cultural discourse at the same time that hate crime legislation has been
positioned as a marker of progress for the gay rights movement. Both of
these moves create an obsession with safety while simultaneously ignoring
other violences, such as police violence, domestic violence, the prison
industrial complex, and violences produced by medical establishments,
that continuously take and harm lives.
In what ways have queerness and violence been linked? How and why might
this link be productive, and what are its limitations? What counts as
violence? How might queerness itself function violently, either as a
violence against heteronormativity and gender binaries, or a neoliberal,
violent homonormativity/homonationalism? If queerness is not always
automatically transgressive, how might we rethink what we mean by
violence? How has violence been positioned as that which is both outside
of and uniting queer/trans communities, linked to a call for state
intervention and buttressing discourses of human rights? In what ways can
we think of subjectivity itself as violent, and how might queerness
function in this process? What is the time of violence, and what
relationship might alternative temporalities have to particular
violences? This symposium seeks to interrogate the ways queerness and
violence function together in contemporary as well as historical
practices, and puzzle out creative possibilities for transformation and
We invite scholarship from a broad range of disciplines, especially
interdisciplinary work in queer theory and transgender theory. We also
welcome papers that engage activism and community organizing.
Possible topics include (but are not limited to):
Resistances to Violence
Queerness as violence (to heteronormativity, gender norms etc. as well as
violence of
State violences/state responses to violences
Violence and public/private space
Queerness and Terrorism/Queer Terrorism
Violences of in/visibility
Violence and pleasure/BDSM
Pain/and embodiment/and pleasure
Performances of violence/queer rage
Embodiment and violence/violent embodiment
Violent representations/representations of violence/spectacles of violence
Human rights discourses
Violences of language, narrative violences, il/legibility
Sexual violences/relationship violences
Homonormativity/neoliberalism/globalization/violences of capital
Violences within queer/trans communities
Aftermaths of violence (trauma, memorial, work of mourning, etc.)
Violence of disciplinarity
Violences of "home"
Please send 250-500 word abstracts and with a CV to by FEBRUARY 19, 2007 .
Along with this abstract, please indicate if your presentation requires
any AV equipment.
Acceptances will be sent out by MARCH 14, 2007.
For more information, email Cathy Hannabach, Toby Beauchamp, and Cynthia
Degnan at
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Dec 15 2006 - 20:46:11 EST