CFP: Teaching, Learning and Technology Centers (12/22/06; SEED, 5/10/07-5/11/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Christine E. Tulley
contact email: 

Call for Papers
SEED 2007 Conference

The University of Findlay's Conference on Teaching, Learning and Technology Centers (TLTCs)

S...ervice to faculty, staff, students, communities

E...nvironments of operation

E...volution of mission

D...iveristy of design

"A Snapshot of Teaching, Learning and Technology Centers (TLTCs): Pedagogies and Practicalities"

Hosted by
Academic Technology Services
The University of Findlay

May 10-11, 2007
The University of Findlay
Findlay, Ohio

Deadline for electronic proposals of 500 words: midnight, December 30, 2006.

For more information and to submit proposals electronically, please visit the SEED Conference website at KEYWORD: SEED

Teaching, Learning and Technology Centers (hereafter referred to as TLTCs) often serve diverse purposes. Some cite as their goal to help faculty use technology more productively in the classroom while others serve as a center for digital writing or a center for faculty and students to collaborate on digital projects. Still others aim to strengthen faculty teaching and research through a variety of strategies and programs, not exclusively focusing upon the utilization of new technologies.
The University of Findlay's Conference attempts to provide a "snapshot" of the types of TLTCs that currently exist at colleges and universities and the types of work they do. While many centers are well-established, others are recent developments on campus and still others are in the founding stage. All most likely vary in scope and emphasis and employ a variety of faculty and staff.
While all submissions will be considered, we encourage submissions in response to the following key questions:

1). What does a TLTC look like?

A presentation might explore questions such as where is the center physically housed? Does it have a web presence? Where is the web presence housed? Who does the center report to? How was it founded? Who "works" at the center? What is the title of the TLTC on your campus? How was the title determined?

2). What audience does a TLTC serve?

A presentation might explore questions such as who uses the center (faculty, staff, students, community?) and how these groups are encouraged to use the center (campus, community advertising?). Also, how can many different clients be served effectively within limited resource budgets?

3). What does a TLTC do?

A presentation might explore questions such as what is the overall goal of the TLTC, what types of projects it does, what training workshops are offered, and what is its mission on campus.

4). Why do we need TLTCs on campus?

In other words what makes TLTCs unique? Tell us about some unique projects your campus is doing with its TLTC.

When submitting your abstract via the SEED website ( KEYWORD: SEED), please let us know of any technological needs you have and if you would like to do a presentation/paper or participate in a poster session. Depending on response we may have room for a variety of types of sessions.

We look forward to seeing you in Findlay!

Please direct any questions about the SEED 2007 conference to or to the conference organizers listed below.

Dr. Christine Tulley
Faculty Liaison to TLTC and Assistant Professor of English
The University of Findlay

Dr. Ray McCandless
Academic Technology Services Director and Professor of Political Science
The University of Findlay

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Received on Fri Dec 15 2006 - 20:15:43 EST
