CFP: The Long 1590s: Early Modern Literary Studies (2/15/07; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Annaliese Connolly

A Call for Papers:

The Long 1590s

The 1590s saw a battle for the hearts and minds of England's literary
enterprises, as well as political and social unease as the country prepared
for an imminent change of regime. The peer-reviewed online journal Early
Modern Literary Studies ( is
seeking contributions of c.6-7000 words for a special issue on 'The Long
1590s', guest-edited by Annaliese Connolly and Lisa Hopkins. We welcome
papers on any writer or literary movement of the period c. 1588 - c. 1603.
Abstracts of 250 words are due by 15 Feb 2007 and completed contributions by
Friday 1 June 2007. This deadline is non-negotiable, to allow adequate time
for peer reviewing before the special issue appears in September 2007.

Please send abstracts and papers to both editors by email (either in the
body of the message or as an attachment) at and

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Dec 15 2006 - 20:46:10 EST