CFP: The Uses of the "Former Age" in Middle English Literature (grad) (1/5/07; New Worlds, Lost Worlds, 10/10/07-10/1
=93New Worlds, Lost Worlds=94: Discovery, Change, and Loss in Literature
McGill University, Montr=E9al
13th Annual Graduate Conference on Language and Literature
March 10-11, 2007
The Uses of the "Former Age" in Middle English Literature
"A blisful lyf, a paisible and a swete, / Ledden the peples in the =
former age..."
This panel seeks papers which explore the use and reimagining of the =
past in Middle English Literature. Chaucer's vision of the past in "The =
Former Age" is less historically accurate than poetically useful, =
setting in relief the poet's criticisms of his present society. From =
Arthurian tales to the Canterbury Tales, Middle English literature =
frequently turns to the past as an instrument with which to =
contextualise, comment on or even construct the present.
Possible topics may address: How and to what end(s) is the historical =
past (either distant or recent) addressed, manipulated and/or omitted in =
Middle English literature? How do Middle English writers employ the =
notion of an ideal past as a means of interpreting their historical, =
political, or cultural milieu?
Paper proposals (max. 300 words) may be sent to chelsea.honeyman (at) = by January 5, 2007.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Dec 15 2006 - 20:16:08 EST