CFP: Translation/Adaptation and Theatre (South Africa) (3/1/07; FIRT, 7/10/07-7/14/07)
Whose Play is it Anyway?:
In a very real sense, every live staging of a printed play could theoretically be considered an adaptation in its performance.
-Linda Hutcheon, A Theory of Adaptation (2006)
Recent years have witnessed a major reconsideration of the theories and nature of the interrelated processes of translation and adaptation. Looking back to earlier theorists on the topic, such as Brecht and Benjamin, contemporary scholars are asking how we differentiate between the concepts of translation and adaptation, and what differentiates translations and/or adaptations from "versions" of plays or stories. These are not merely questions of semantics, but rather have significant implications for the study of performance in areas of new media, transcultural adaptation and translation, and intertextuality in performance. Furthermore, as Hutcheon's quote suggests, these questions have always borne, and continue to bear particular relevance to the staging of written texts. For its 2007 session in Stellenbosch, South Africa, the From Page to Stage working group welcomes papers that consider the implications of this renewed questioning of the concepts of
adaptation and translation, including the problematization of the notion of originality, and the idea of all stage performance as a process of re-telling. In addition, papers discussing case studies in translation or adaptation (particularly cross-cultural cases) are welcome.
The group welcomes (but is not limited to) papers addressing the conference theme of "Theatre in Africa—Africa in the Theatre." Papers accepted to the working group will also be considered for a book project being compiled by the group. Please submit proposals to Kurt Taroff at by March 1, 2007.
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or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Dec 15 2006 - 20:16:51 EST