CFP: Women's Voices in Poetry (3/1/07; RMMLA, 10/4/07-10/6/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Erin Rokita
contact email: 

61st Annual Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association Conference
Calgary, Canada at the Westin Calgary Hotel
October 4-6, 2007

The Women's Voices in Poetry panel seeks proposals that focus on
poetry from various cultures and periods. Papers may engage topics
and themes as diverse as the female or feminized voice,
representations of the body, women and war, women and history, etc.
Papers are not limited to poems by women authors. Please email a
300-500 word abstract with contact information to Erin Rokita by March
1, 2007: Please include as the subject heading:
RMMLA Proposal.
For additional information about this conference please visit the
RMMLA website:

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Dec 15 2006 - 20:16:45 EST
