UPDATE: Gender on Our Minds (1/26/07; journal issue)
Call for Submissions
Gender on Our Minds
A Journal of Southern Connecticut State University's
Graduate Program in Women's Studies
Submission Deadline
January 26, 2007
Gender on Our Minds
*is a recently established sibling publication to *Woman in Mind *, an
interdisciplinary publication dedicated to making women's voices heard
through a variety of writings and art submitted by students, staff, and
guests. *
Gender on Our Minds
*is an interdisciplinary publication dedicated to awareness from the
perspective of gender studies. *Gender on Our Minds *provides a space for
marginalized groups to discuss topics and issues such as GLBTIQ identities,
academic and queer pedagogy, arts, cultures, histories, politics, and
theories. *
Submission is open to the general public.
The editors welcome all submissions, but are particularly interested in
submissions that contribute to current conversations in gender studies and
queer studies.
*Submission Guidelines*:
1. Submit articles or stories up to 7500 words; up to10 photographs
of artwork; or up to three poems (maximum 10 pages totals).
2. All entries will be considered for publication by the editorial
board. Under no circumstances does *Gender on Our Minds *guarantee
publication. The board's decision is final.
3. Include an SASE for notification; *mss.not returned*.
4. Include a brief bio, but no name should appear on the mss.
5. Submission must include the writer's phone number and email
6. Simultaneous submissions allowed if *Gender on Our Minds *is
notified of acceptance elsewhere.
7. Once received, all submissions become property of *Gender on Our
Minds*. *Gender on Our Minds *reserves the right to edit submissions
for content, length, grammar, and mechanics.
8. Send submissions electronically to *GenderonOurMinds_at_gmail.com *
9. Send hard copy to
* Gender on Our Minds
Attn: Khoi Nguyen
Women's Studies ENG B229
Southern Connecticut State University
501 Crescent Street
New Haven, CT 06515
Contact Information
*Khoi Nguyen *=B7 *203-258-2120 *
Gender on Our Minds *is a student-based publication sponsored by the SCSU
KAPPA Chapter of Iota Iota Iota, The National Women's Studies Honor Society
and the Women's Studies Program at Southern Connecticut State *University*
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Fri Dec 15 2006 - 20:16:03 EST