CFP: (Auto)Biographies of the Saints as Subversive Discourses (4/15/07; MMLA, 11/8/07-11/11/07)

full name / name of organization: 
David Hall
contact email: 

Deadline for abstracts: April 15.

Religion and Literature, Midwest Modern Language Association: Spiritual
Anarchists and Sacred Troublemakers

The lives of exemplary religious figures can exert a disruptive effect
on accepted canons of religious literature. While accounts of the lives
of saints and other religious virtuosi eventually play a central role in
the lives of ordinary practitioners, these same exemplary figures often
stand in opposition to authoritative religious and cultural institutions
of their times. Attempts to bring these figures into the fold of
orthodoxy typically involve an elision of the more seditious aspects of
saintly lives. This session seeks papers that address the subversive
elements that reside in the (auto)biographies of saintly personages.
The organizers are particularly interested to address the topic from
multiple religious traditions; papers addressing figures outside the
Judeo-Christian tradition are especially, though not exclusively,

Send 250 word abstracts to Information about
the M/MLA meeting, to be held November 8-11 in Cleveland, OH, can be
found at: .

W. David Hall, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Religion and Philosophy
Centre College
Danville, KY

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Received on Tue Dec 19 2006 - 17:25:57 EST
