CFP: Epochal Legacies and Identity in _Renaissance_ and _Early Modern_ Literatures (grad) (1/5/07; McGill, 3/10/07-3/11/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Katie Musgrave
contact email: 


O brave new world:

Epochal Legacies and Identity in _Renaissance_ and _Early Modern_ Literatures

Panel to be hosted by McGill University's 13th Annual Graduate
Conference on Language and Literature (New Worlds, Lost Worlds:
Discovery, Change, and Loss in Literature), in Montreal QC, March
10-11, 2007.

This panel seeks to highlight and to challenge – using literary
examples – the general classifications of _Renaissance_ and _Early
Modern_, which themselves explicitly herald the far-reaching tendency
and multi-epochal character of the era they represent. To what extent
can the period spanning the 14th to the 16th centuries be considered a
self-contained cultural age, and how does the literature typically
representative of that age inherently defy its own unilateral

This panel seeks to address the crucial matter of literary continuity
by focusing on, 1) the transmission and evidence of Classical and
Medieval influences in _Renaissance_literature, including poetry,
prose fiction, and drama; and 2) the precursory nature of _Early
Modern_ literature as it pioneers and activates the themes most
central to the arts and culture of subsequent periods (including the
17th and 18th centuries, and the Romantic, Victorian, Modern, and
Postmodern ages/movements). Papers that discuss and/or demonstrate
these diachronic trends in literature are ideal. Anticipating an
open-minded and varied discourse, the panel welcomes diverse literary
and theoretical interpretations of this subject. Possible paper topics
may include:

- Adaptations of Renaissance/Early Modern works, or Renaissance/Early
Modern works as adaptations
- Formal Rhetoric and applications of rhetorical theory in literature and drama
- Intertextual existences and identities of literary and dramatic characters
- Representations of social, cultural, and political change in
Renaissance/Early Modern works
- Evolutions in literary genre and in generic categories and definitions
- Universal and persistent narratives/symbols/archetypes/tropes
- Classical and/or Renaissance/Early Modern dramatic works in later performance
- Lives and afterlives of texts and manuscripts

Paper proposals are to be submitted to Katie Musgrave – at – no later than January 5th, 2007.

--Katie MusgraveFaculty of English Language and LiteratureCorpus Christi College, University of OxfordUK Mobile: +44 (0)7923 365 ========================================================== From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List Full Information at or write Jennifer Higginbotham: ==========================================================Received on Tue Dec 19 2006 - 17:25:33 EST
