CFP: Essay Prize: Journal of Victorian Culture (grad) (6/30/06; journal issue)

full name / name of organization:

Journal of Victorian Culture

Graduate Student Essay Prize

The Journal of Victorian Culture, one of the leading journals in its
field, has inaugurated a prize competition for graduate students. The aim
of the JVC Essay Prize is to promote scholarship among postgraduate
research students working on the Victorian period in any discipline in the
UK and abroad. The essay, which must be no longer than 9000 words in
length (including notes), may be on any aspect of Victorian culture
appropriate for the scope of the journal (this embraces literature and
history, including cultural, intellectual, social, political, economic and
religious history; the history of music, science, technology, medicine,
theatre and visual culture; historical geography). JVC is, in accordance
with its remit, particularly keen to encourage essays demonstrating
interdisciplinary approaches. The essay must not be under consideration
for publication elsewhere, and should not be submitted to any other
journal until the outcome of the competition is known. Applicants who are
completing doctoral degrees are advised to check with their institutions
any regulations covering the publication of material extracted from their
theses prior to the submission of the whole thesis.

The prize

Publication of the winning essay in JVC; £100 cash prize, a free year's
subscription to JVC.


Word limit: maximum of 9000 words
Closing date for submissions to the Editor: 30 June 2007

The competition will open to anyone currently registered for a higher
research degree, or is within 3 years of the completion of one. An entry
form will be available on the JVC website and will require the signature
of the Academic Supervisor, confirming the entrant's status.


Entries should be submitted to the journal in the normal manner, but must
also be accompanied by the downloadable JVC Essay Prize entry form
(available from the publisher's website). All published essays will be
subject to the same copyright terms as everything else published in JVC.
The decision of the judges will be final and no correspondence will be
considered. There is only one prize and the judges reserve the right to
award no prize if submitted material is not of an appropriate standard.
The judges for the prize will be the Editorial Board of the Journal of
Victorian Culture. The process of selection will, accordingly, fulfil the
requirements of peer review. The judges reserve the right to recommend
revisions to the prize-winning essay prior to publication.

Amber Regis
Editorial Assistant, Journal of Victorian Culture

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Received on Tue Dec 19 2006 - 17:26:05 EST
