CFP: Ethnic Memoir (1/22/07; ASA, 10/11/07-10/14/07)
Working Title: Ethnic Memoir
Proposed Panel for ASA 2007 (American Studies Association)
Abstract Deadline: January 26, 2007
Conference: Oct. 11-14, 2007, in Philadelphia, PA
This proposed panel will look at the way memoirs written by American writers of various ethnic backgrounds correct and supplement historical accounts of their personal, group, and familial experiences. Philip J. Deloria, director of the program in American Culture at the University of Michigan, will chair the session. We are currently looking for 2 other panelists (traditional 20-min./10-pg. paper) and a commentator for the session. Please email abstracts of 250-300 words OR a statement of interest w/CV if you would like to do commentary for the session to Gene Gorman, Boston College ( by 1/22/07.
Gene I. Gorman
21 Thornley St. #3
Dorchester, MA 02125
(617) 519-3127
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Tue Dec 19 2006 - 17:27:10 EST