CFP: Healing South African Wounds (6/30/07; journal issue)

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Gilles Teulié
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Healing South African Wounds

Call for Contributions for a special issue of Les Carnets du Cerpac no 7
Gilles Teulié & Mélanie Joseph-Vilain

During his inaugural address in 1994, the first black president of South
Africa, Nelson Mandela, pronounced the now famous words « the time for the
healing of the wounds has come ». The great hope born from the elections led
to praised achievements along with less positive results. More than a decade
has elapsed since the end of Apartheid. Are the wounds healed? How did South
African society come to terms with former attitudes? How was the aftermath
of the elections tackled? How do Whites and Afrikaners in particular cope
with their new minority status? What are the new challenges for South
African Literature? What is the legacy of the Truth and Reconciliation
Commission? What are the reactions to the changing of geographical names as
far as identity is concerned?
            This collection of essays aims at analysing the "new" South
Africa. Among other topics one could examine the re-evaluation of the past
(fiction and history / textbooks), commemorations, economic and social
stakes, cultural priorities, the status of women and children, Aids and
unemployment-related problems, the role of the media, the different forms of
tensions, etc.
This no 7 issue of Les Carnets du Cerpac (Journal of Commonwealth Studies,
University of Montpellier, France. will be scrutinized
from a historical and social perspective as well as from a literary
standpoint. A title and a brief summary (300 words), along with a small
bio., should be sent to Mélanie Joseph-vilain, Université de Dijon
( for literary articles and Gilles Teulié,
Université d'Aix-Marseille 1 ( or for historical and social papers. The articles (in
English or French) are due on June 30th 2007.

Mélanie Joseph-Vilain is a Senior Lecturer in Commonwealth Studies at the
University of Bourgogne (Dijon, France)

Gilles Teulié is Professor of British and Commonwealth Studies at the
University of Provence (Aix-Marseille, France).
              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Tue Dec 19 2006 - 17:25:41 EST
