CFP: Jack London Society Panels ALA (1/12/07; ALA, 4/24/07-4/27/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Kenneth K Brandt
contact email: 

Call for Papers:
Jack London Sessions at the
American Literature Association Conference
24-27 May 2007, Boston

The Jack London Society invites proposals for papers addressing any aspect of London's life and career
for the 18th Annual American Literature Association Conference.

Conference Information: The American Literature Association's 18th annual conference will meet at the
Westin Copley Place in Boston on May 24-27, 2007 (Thursday through Sunday of Memorial Day
weekend). For further information, consult the ALA website at

Location: The Westin Copley Place
10 Huntington Avenue
Boston MA 02116-5798

Conference Fee: For those who pre-register before April 15, 2007: $75 ($25 for Graduate Students,
Independent Scholars, and Retired Faculty). After April 15, the fees are $85 and $35.

Submissions: Proposals can be completed papers or 200-word abstracts that address any aspect of
London's life and career. Please send proposals via e-mail to Kenneth Brandt at by
January 12, 2007.


Kenneth K. Brandt, Ph. D.
Professor of Liberal Arts
Savannah College of Art and Design

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Tue Dec 19 2006 - 17:27:34 EST