CFP: Reading Henry James (1/31/07; 5/29/07-5/31/07)

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Reading Henry James=20

May 29-31, 2007: Salem State College=20

A colloquium celebrating the 2007 publication of Henry James Studies in the=
Palgrave Advances series=20
Palgrave Advances in Henry James Studies, edited by Peter Rawlings, will b=
published early in 2007 =20
( and this =20=
colloquium has been organized, in part, to celebrate=20
that event. Some of the contributors will be at this event, although not=20
necessarily speaking on the areas covered in their essays. Papers (twenty m=
are welcome on any aspects of the broad topic of =E2=80=9CReading Henry Jam=
es=E2=80=9D and=20
sessions will be structured to allow substantial discussion. Please email=20
proposals (a title, short abstract, and brief vitae) to Peter Rawlings at=20 by January 31, 2007.=20

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Received on Tue Dec 19 2006 - 17:26:21 EST