CFP: South Florida Undergraduate Communications Honors Conference (undergrad) (1/12/07; 3/17/07)

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 The National Honorary Society for Undergraduates in Communication In the Sc=
hool of Communication and Multimedia Studies Florida Atlantic University Ann=
  The South Florida Undergraduate Communication Honors Conference On the the=
rcultural, and International Contexts March 17, 2007 (10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m=
.) Florida Atlantic University Boca Raton Both nationally and internationa=
lly, the topics of democracy, democratization, and citizenship are increasin=
gly salient concerns; too rarely, however, are the underlying communication=20=
processes that are vital to these phenomena addressed. Florida Atlantic Univ=
ersity=E2=80=99s Zeta Iota Chapter of Lambda Pi Eta issues a Call for Submis=
sions for the inaugural South Florida Undergraduate Communication Honors Con=
ference on the theme of =E2=80=9CCOMMUNICATION, DEMOCRACY, AND CITIZENSHIP i=
n Political, Cultural, Intercultural, and International Contexts.=E2=80=9D U=
ndergraduate students currently enrolled are eligible to submit. Submissio=
n Procedures: Conference submissions will be evaluated through a blind jury=20=
review process. In order to submit your work for consideration, you should 1=
) submit a complete version of your paper or project (three hardcopies and a=
n electronic version as well) prepared for blind review (i.e., without autho=
r names or identifying information); 2) submit contact information, includin=
g address, telephone, and email on a separate page; 3) submit a nomination f=
orm from the faculty member who oversaw the paper or project being submitted=
. The faculty member should simply indicate that s/he finds your paper or pr=
oject to be =E2=80=9Cworthy of consideration=E2=80=9D for presentation at an=
 Honors Conference; 4) submit a brief (200 word maximum) abstract of the pap=
er or project. Applications should be identified as =E2=80=9CDemocracy and=
 Citizenship in the Context of Political Communication,=E2=80=9D =E2=80=9CDe=
mocracy and Citizenship in the Context of Cultural Communication,=E2=80=9D=20=
=E2=80=9CDemocracy and Citizenship in the Context of Intercultural Communica=
tion,=E2=80=9D or =E2=80=9CDemocracy and Citizenship in the Context of Inter=
national Communication.=E2=80=9D Submissions from all methodological and the=
oretical orientations are encouraged (e.g., rhetorical criticism, ethno-meth=
odological analysis, cultural criticism, quantitative analysis, freedom of e=
xpression studies, etc.). Theoretical papers, case studies, critical analyse=
s, and other approaches are all welcomed as submissions. Top submission awar=
ds will be made in each of the four areas. All participants will receive cer=
tificates of participation in the South Florida Undergraduate Honors Confere=
nce. Submission deadline: January 12, 2007. Notifications should be sent no=20=
later than February 5, 2007. Inquiries and submissions should be sent to D=
r. David Cratis Williams ( or Dr. Noemi Marin (nmarin_at_fau.ed=
u), Faculty Advisors, Zeta Iota, School of Communication and Multimedia Stud=
ies, P.O. Box 3091, Florida Atlantic University, 777 Glades Rd., Boca Raton,=
 FL 33431-0991. T. Mercadal-Sabbagh
 Ph.D. Candidate
 Comparative Studies
 School of Communication and Multimedia Studies
 Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
 Florida Atlantic University
 Boca Raton, Florida
 "Back in August the chief of intelligence for the Marines filed a secret re=
port ... concluding that American troops "are no longer capable of militaril=
y defeating the insurgency at al-Anbar." Yet American troops are still being=
 tossed into that maw, and at least 90 have been killed there since Labor Da=
y. Civil war? Sectarian violence? A phase? This much is certain: The dead in=
 Iraq don't give a damn what we call it." ~Frank Rich, The New York Times, D=
ecember 3, 2006.

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Received on Tue Dec 19 2006 - 17:26:51 EST