CFP: Teaching Literature Through Travel/Study Abroad (2/15/07; RMMLA, 10/4/07-10/6/07)

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CFP: Teaching Literature Through Travel/Study Abroad (2/15/07; RMMLA =20

Teaching Literature through Travel or Study Abroad Courses

*2007 RMMLA Conference in beautiful Calgary, Alberta, Canada, October 4-6,=
*As of December 31, 2006, Americans will need a passport for all air and se=
travel to and from Canada. =20
I seek papers for an exciting special session panel addressing study abroad=
courses or courses with any kind of travel component, whether international=
or national. This panel intends to explore methodologies and pedagogical=20
issues relevant to courses in which place occupies a particularly prominent=
position as students visit or inhabit spaces of literary significance. Both=
literature courses and interdisciplinary courses which include a literature=
emphasis are invited. =20
Paper topics can be as varied as an examination of how visits to writers=
homes and haunts supplement classroom study; a discussion of a successful=20
literary pilgrimage with students; an observation of student perceptions of=
as traveler; a how-to and/or a what-not-to-do for travel/study abroad cours=
Presenters might consider, among other things, discussing their course=20
design, rationale for text selection, travel itineraries, and successful=20
assignments. =20

Send a 200 word abstract to Barbara Vielma at _bvielma_at_utpa.edu_=20
( by February 15, 2007, for consideration.
Hard copies of submissions may be sent to:
Barbara Vielma
Dept. of English =20
University of Texas-Pan American
Edinburg, TX 78539

Details can be found at _www.rmmla.org_ ( .=20

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Tue Dec 19 2006 - 17:25:56 EST
