
displaying 91 - 98 of 98

UPDATE: Environmental Science Fiction (1/10/07; ASLE, 6/12/07-6/16/07)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006 - 10:25pm

ASLE 2007 Proposed Roundtable, or Panel Environmental Science Fiction: Genre and Possibility Ecocriticism has indeed branched out to include literatures not typically associated with "nature writing." In an effort to continue this extension of ecocriticism into other genres, this roundtable/panel will explore the contributions of science fiction (SF) to environmental thought and ecological understandings. 250-word proposals are invited for a roundtable/panel that will examine SF as a literature well-suited to express the concerns of environmentalism and to explore humanity's place in ecological systems.

UPDATE: Environmental Science Fiction (1/10/07; ASLE, 6/12/07-6/16/07)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006 - 10:25pm

ASLE 2007 Proposed Roundtable, or Panel Environmental Science Fiction: Genre and Possibility Ecocriticism has indeed branched out to include literatures not typically associated with "nature writing." In an effort to continue this extension of ecocriticism into other genres, this roundtable/panel will explore the contributions of science fiction (SF) to environmental thought and ecological understandings. 250-word proposals are invited for a roundtable/panel that will examine SF as a literature well-suited to express the concerns of environmentalism and to explore humanity's place in ecological systems.

UPDATE: Environmental Science Fiction (1/10/07; ASLE, 6/12/07-6/16/07)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006 - 10:25pm

ASLE 2007 Proposed Roundtable, or Panel Environmental Science Fiction: Genre and Possibility Ecocriticism has indeed branched out to include literatures not typically associated with "nature writing." In an effort to continue this extension of ecocriticism into other genres, this roundtable/panel will explore the contributions of science fiction (SF) to environmental thought and ecological understandings. 250-word proposals are invited for a roundtable/panel that will examine SF as a literature well-suited to express the concerns of environmentalism and to explore humanity's place in ecological systems.

CFP: Technical Communication - Open Topic (3/1/07; SCMLA, 11/1/07-11/3/07)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006 - 10:25pm
Stephen Severn

The Technical Writing panel of the South Central Modern Language =
Association (SCMLA) seeks papers for the 2007 annual convention.


The topic is open. We are, however, particularly interested in =
presentations that address questions of documentation and sourcing in =
technical and professional communication. Submissions from newer =
scholars are also especially welcome.


Please email 500 word abstracts to Dr. Stephen E. Severn at =
ssevern_at_mail.wtamu.edu by 1March 2007. If desired, hard copies may be =
mailed to


Dr. Stephen E. Severn

Department of English, Philosophy and Modern Languages

West Texas A&M University


CFP: Technical Communication - Open Topic (3/1/07; SCMLA, 11/1/07-11/3/07)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006 - 10:25pm
Stephen Severn

The Technical Writing panel of the South Central Modern Language =
Association (SCMLA) seeks papers for the 2007 annual convention.


The topic is open. We are, however, particularly interested in =
presentations that address questions of documentation and sourcing in =
technical and professional communication. Submissions from newer =
scholars are also especially welcome.


Please email 500 word abstracts to Dr. Stephen E. Severn at =
ssevern_at_mail.wtamu.edu by 1March 2007. If desired, hard copies may be =
mailed to


Dr. Stephen E. Severn

Department of English, Philosophy and Modern Languages

West Texas A&M University

