CFP: 9th Annual Conference on Hispanic and Lusophone Literatures, Cultures, and Linguistics (grad) (2/15/07; 4/20/07-4/21/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Cheyla Samuelson
contact email: 

9th Annual Conference on Hispanic and Lusophone
Literatures, Cultures, and Linguistics
Department of Spanish and Portuguese, UC Santa Barbara
April 20-21 2007

¿Palabras para que?/Palavras para quê?
Addressing the Relevance of Discourse Practices in the Lusophone and
Hispanic World

Which kinds of discourse practices seem relevant today, and how was
relevance construed differently in the past? How is relevance perceived
or constructed, and how do specific criteria of relevance emerge for
different discourse practices? In literary criticism, the discussion of
the relevance of a work is common, not only for aesthetic appraisals and
for the potential inclusion or exclusion in a canon, but also in the
evaluation of the political, ethical and cultural import of the work.
Considering that discourses practices imply a wider range of activities
beyond the literary, it can be said that relevance is not related only
to the inner features of a work or discourse, but also to the relation
with other works or discourses and to the dynamics within a community of
readers or receptors. Simply put, the question of relevance is related
to the issue of what works are worth our attention, and why. This
conference invites a wide range of perspectives on the discourse
practices produced in the context of the historical and cultural
diversity evident in the Lusophone and Hispanic world.

Keynote Speakers

Dr. Marjorie Perloff,
Emerita Sadie Dernham Patek Professor of Humanities, Stanford University
2006 President of the Modern Language Association

Dr. George Monteiro
Professor Emeritus of English and Portuguese and Brazilian Studies,
Brown University

Dr. Enrico Mario Santí
William T. Bryan Professor of Hispanic Studies, University of Kentucky

The 9th Annual Conference on Hispanic and Lusophone Literatures,
Cultures and Linguistics will take place in the Department of Spanish
and Portuguese at the University of California, Santa Barbara. This
conference is organized by graduate students in order to give other
graduate students an opportunity to share their current work. We invite
and encourage all submissions relating to these topics in any area of
Humanities and Social Sciences, including Literature, Linguistics,
Cultural Studies, Gender Studies, Film Studies, History, Sociology and
the Fine and Performing Arts.

Abstract Information: Please submit a 250-word abstract postmarked by
February 15, 2007. Abstracts may be sent via post or e-mail. The
abstract itself should consist of only the title of the paper and
abstract with no personal information. On a separate page please
include the following: title of your presentation, name, e-mail address,
institution address, office and home phone numbers. Submissions of
panels (not to exceed three papers) are encouraged.

Submission: Abstracts may be sent to the graduate student conference
selection committee via e-mail at: or via
post-mail: Attention: Lauren Applegate (Grad Student Conference) /
University of California at Santa Barbara, Department of Spanish and
Portuguese / Phelps Hall / Santa Barbara, CA, 93106-4150.

Paper Format: Please keep in mind that papers should not exceed a
reading period of twenty minutes (8 pages) in order to allow sufficient
time for discussion. Papers in Spanish, Portuguese or English are welcome.

Registration: There will be a $25 Registration Fee. Other information
will be posted on the Conference website:
We look forward to your participation!

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sat Jan 06 2007 - 18:00:02 EST