CFP: Children's Literature & Modernism (4/1/07; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Karin Westman
contact email: 



Stream of consciousness, fragmentation, multi-media experimentation,
multiple perspectives, cityscapes, shifting boundaries of time and
space, making it new, recycling the old. Modernism pursues new ways of
seeing -- and often through the pages of children's literature.

This special issue of _Children's Literature Association Quarterly_
invites submissions on any aspect of children's literature during the
modernist period, 1890-1945. Topics may include:

* Children's literature of the modernist period
* The influence of children's literature upon modernism
* Formal resonances between children's and adult modernist literature
* Cross-writing or dual-audience modernist authors or illustrators
* The child subject in modernist texts
* Children's literature and the modern nation
* The influence of modernist art on children's literature
* Technology and production of the modernist children's book

Possible authors and illustrators include Langston Hughes, H.D.,
Virginia Woolf, James Joyce, Gertrude Stein, Arna Bontemps, Winsor
McKay, Lewis Carroll, L. Frank Baum, P.L. Travers, Virginia Lee Burton,
Wanda Gag, Margaret Wise Brown, Ludwig Bemelmans, Arthur Rackham, Kay
Nielsen, Edward Dulac, Howard Pyle, and many others.

Please send essays (15-20 pages; 4,500-6,000 words) by mail or email to:

Karin Westman
Department of English
106 English/ CS Building
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506


Essays must be received by April 1, 2007. The issue will appear in
November 2007.

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sat Jan 06 2007 - 17:59:49 EST