CFP: Ecriture Feminine (2/2/07; Calgary Free Exchange, 3/16/07-3/18/07)

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Spring Cleaning:
Rediscovering and Revitalizing the Artifact
University of Calgary Free Exchange Graduate Conference
16-18 March 2007
Calgary, Alberta
For more information, please visit Free Exchange at

Écriture Féminine: Writing and the Grrls: Does Cixous Still Have Ideas to
Offer Young Women Writers?

"Woman must write her self: must write about women and bring women to
writing, from which they have been driven away as violently as from their
bodies – for the same reasons, by the same law, with the same fatal goal.
Women must put herself into the text – as into the world and into history
– by her own movement." With this, the opening of her famous essay, "The
Laugh of the Medusa," French feminist critic and literary author Hélène
Cixous calls women writers to create new texts in the mode of what she
terms an "écriture féminine." This article has become an artifact in the
pantheon of feminist
theory, worthy of renewed consideration. This panel will explore some of
the following questions: does "The Laugh of the Medusa" still inspire
women writers to write themselves into history and if so, how do they do
so – what potential projects can Cixous's ideas inspire? What other
sources do young women today draw on when and if they organize as artists?
How do young women writers feel about feminism and documents like "The
Laugh of a Medusa"?

Deadline for submissions: 2 February 2007
Please submit 250 word proposals (for papers approx. 15 minutes in length)
to panel chair Natalee Caple at Attachments should be
in Rich Text or Word format only, and please include your name,
professional affiliation, and contact information in the body of your

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sat Jan 06 2007 - 18:55:56 EST