CFP: Fourth International Aldous Huxley Symposium: Aldous Huxley in America (6/30/07; 7/31/08-8/2/08)

full name / name of organization: 
Dr. Bernfried Nugel
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CFP: Aldous Huxley in America (6/30/07; 7/31-8/2/08)

Fourth International Aldous Huxley Symposium in Los Angeles 2008: Aldous Huxley in America

Convenor: International Aldous Huxley Society and Centre for Aldous Huxley Studies

Venue: Huntington Library, San Marino, CA

Date: 31 July – 2 August 2008 (conference warming 30 July; departure day 3 August)

Call for Papers: The general theme of the conference, "Aldous Huxley inAmerica," leaves a wide range open for a variety
of topics. Though there will naturally be a focus on Huxley's American years, his earlier career can certainly be
brought in, either by comparison with, or as preparation for, his later development. While it is too early to fix larger
sections, here are a few suggestions (there will of course be some overlap among the various suggested topics):

· H.'s theory and practice of drug experiences;
· H.'s view of mysticism (especially as linked to the Vedanta movement in California);
· H.'s development as novelist and critic;
· Changes in H.'s political outlook;
· H. and Hollywood (including a show of films based on H.'s works);
· H. and Gerald Heard;
· H. and Christopher Isherwood;
· H. and the California Refugees (i.e., Thomas Mann etc.);
· H. and Death (i.e., his own and Maria's, but also including the question of survival);
· California in H.'s Fiction (primarily *After Many a Summer* and *Ape and Essence*, but also including H.'s first
         visit to California while travelling around the world in 1925).

Further suggestions of sections and events are welcome. If you can recommend or mediate sponsors, we would appreciate it
if you would inform us as soon as possible.

Please send us your proposals for lectures (20 – 30 minutes) by 30 June2007
and your abstracts (20–30 lines or 200–300 words) by 30 November 2007
to <>.

For further information please visit the homepage of the Centre for Aldous Huxley Studies at

Thank you for including this announcement and best wishes for the New Year!
            Bernfried Nugel

--Prof. Dr. Bernfried NugelCentre for Aldous Huxley StudiesEnglisches Seminar der Universitaet MuensterJohannisstr. 12-2048143 MuensterGermany ========================================================== From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List Full Information at or write Jennifer Higginbotham: ==========================================================Received on Tue Jan 16 2007 - 17:19:01 EST