CFP: Life Writing Panels for 2007 MLA Convention (3/10/07; MLA '07)
Here are the three calls for papers for this=20
year's Modern Language Association, which will be=20
held from December 27 to 30 in Chicago. Note=20
that the deadline is early March. For more=20
information, please contact the person listed as the panel convener.
Please forward this call to any other lists that might be appropriate.
* * *
Panels for 2007 MLA Convention =96
Division on Autobiography, Biography and Life Writing
Celebrity Life Writing. Rhetorical, aesthetic,=20
and ideological dimensions of celebrity=20
narratives in print, broadcast media, and online.=20
Production of celebrity representations--ghost=20
writing, authorized lives, "reality" shows,=20
scandal. 1-2 page abstract and short CV by 10=20
March; Craig Howes (<>
Incest in Autobiography. Autobiographical=20
accounts, cultural proscription, literary=20
treatments, legal punishment, varying=20
taboos. 1-2 page abstract and short CV by 10=20
March to Sarah Bird Wright=20
Sketches from Life. Word/image as theory, form,=20
practice in auto/biographies in any format or=20
context. Topics include portraits and=20
illustrations; ekphrasis; interiors, landscapes;=20
visual tropes; artistic lives. 1-2 page abstract=20
and short CV by 10 March; Alison Booth=20
(<> ).
* * *
Craig Howes
Director, Center for Biographical Research
Co-Editor, Biography: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly
Professor of English
c/o 1733 Donaghho Road
University of Hawai'i--Manoa
Honolulu, Hawai'i 96822
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Tue Jan 16 2007 - 17:50:51 EST