CFP: Margaret Fuller (3/15/07; MLA '07)
Margaret Fuller Society call for papers for the 2007 MLA Convention in
The Fuller Society is organizing two panels. Please address inquiries
to each panel's organizer. =20
International Margaret Fuller: Transatlantic and Global Circulations.
Fuller on transnational movements of culture and ideas, New York and
global economies, (im)migrations, republicanisms, the Mexican War, her
translations. Comparative approaches welcome. 2-page abstracts, CVs by
15 Mar. to Brigitte Bailey ( =20
Fuller and the Politics of Everyday Life. =20
Political resonance of the personal, everyday, and experiential. The
critical role of narratives (mythical, ideological, travel), dialogues,
translations, and multiple discourses. 2-page abstracts, CVs, March 15,
Jeffrey Steele ( =20
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Tue Jan 16 2007 - 17:18:57 EST