CFP: Material Exchanges: Britain and East Asia in the 19C (2/9/07; NACSB, 11/9/07-11/11/07)

full name / name of organization: 
elizabeth chang
contact email: 

Proposed panel for the North American Conference on British Studies
(November 9-11, 2007; San Francisco)

Material Exchanges: Britain and East Asia in the Nineteenth-Century

This panel concerns the constitution of British relations with East Asia in
the nineteenth-century through the circulation of material objects. We are
particularly interested in the ways that such objects affected and directed
more general British understandings of East Asian geographies and
epistemologies. A corollary aim of the panel is to open new areas of
discussion on the operations of British empire in China, Japan, Korea and
elsewhere in the Far East. Please submit an abstract (200-300 words) and cv
to Elizabeth Chang (University of Missouri-Columbia) at change AT by February 9, 2007.

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Received on Tue Jan 16 2007 - 17:19:02 EST
