CFP: Professional Studies Review (4/15/07; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Joseph Marotta
contact email: 


Professional Studies Review (PSR) is a refereed journal published by St. John's University in New York, devoted to the pedagogical needs and research interests of those working within career-oriented disciplines. The Review is currently accepting papers for its next issue scheduled for publication in the fall of 2007. Deadline for submission: April 15, 2007.


Scholars and professionals are invited to submit articles that will provide readers with new and valuable research results, stimulate their thinking about developments in their fields, and provide a critical forum for further discussion and scholarship. We are especially interested in articles that explore issues which cut across specialized boundaries and which exhibit an awareness of recent research in a field.


The Review welcomes articles from a wide range of professional disciplines, including but not limited to, such fields of study as Criminal Justice, Health Services, Hospitality Management, Computer Science, Sports Administration, Television, Film, Legal Studies, Administration, and Journalism. Articles may either be theoretical, empirical, or experimental in their approach to their subject; all methodologies are acceptable. Submissions should be written for scholars, teachers and graduate students who are not necessarily specialists in a professional field but are versed in the current research.

Submissions from younger scholars and graduate students are welcome. For the next issue the Review will accept articles on any topic of general interest to those working within career-oriented fields mentioned above. In addition, more specific possibilities might include (but are not limited to) such issues as:

The scholarship of pedagogy

Academic reward systems

The image of professional studies

Professional development issues

International education

Intellectual property issues

Innovative teaching strategies


Educational technology (e.g. electronic portfolios, wikis)

Professional learning communities

Recent trends in writing instruction

Integrating liberal and professional studies

Intersections between graduate and undergraduate education


To receive author guidelines or subscription information, contact:


Dr. Joseph Marotta, General Editor

Professional Studies Review

St. John's University

8000 Utopia Parkway, Queens, NY 11439

Queens, NY 11439 email:


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Received on Tue Jan 16 2007 - 17:18:49 EST