CFP: Drama Across the Curriculum and Beyond (3/15/07; 4/27/07-4/29/07)
Drama Across the Curriculum and Beyond
April 27-29, 2007
Call for Proposal
Deadline March 15, 2007
The forum seeks proposals investigation the relationship between drama
and learning across all curricular areas. The forum aims to address
the following questions:
• What research supports the potential of drama as a learning
• How does drama make connections across curricular content
• How does drama contribute to life long learning?
• What role does drama play in community agencies?
Presentation Formats:
Option A: 60 Minute Interactive Workshop
Workshop presentations are interactive, where participants become
actively involved in the work. Handouts explaining the various steps
of the workshop should be prepared and distributed by the presenter to
the workshop participants.
Option B: 30 Minute Paper
Papers that address one of the strands should be submitted in APA
format; double spaced, and be between 2000-5000 words in length.
Possibilities for publication.
For a workshop presentation or paper submission, please submit
proposals ELECTRONICALLY VIA E-MAIL to Desiree Hamburger at
In the subject line, please write DATCAB: followed by your last name:
Ex: DATCAB: Hamburger.
In the body of the e-mail (not as an attachment) please include:
• Name of Presenter (s)
• Mailing Address
• Phone Number
• Institution/Organization
• Position or Title
• Title of Session
• Type of Presentation (Workshop or Paper)
• A 150 word proposal describing the workshop or the contents of
the paper and how it addresses at least one of the main forum
• A 75-100 word bio and picture for the program.
• Room/Space needs:
• Other:
For more information on this forum please contact Desiree Hamburger at
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Jan 19 2007 - 20:25:13 EST