CFP: Victorian Materialities (2/1/07; NAVSA, 10/10/07-10/13/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Lisa Surridge
contact email: 


The North American Victorian Studies Association and the Victorian
Studies Association of Western Canada will join forces for a joint
conference to be held 10-13 October 2007. The conference will take
place at the Laurel Point Inn on Victoria's beautiful inner harbour.
Featured presenters include Stephen Arata, Peter Bailey, Kirstie
Blair, Nicholas Daly, Jennifer Green-Lewis, Donald E. Hall, Gail
Turley Houston, Linda K. Hughes, Lorraine Janzen Kooistra, Seth
Koven, Philippa Levine, Lynda Nead, John Picker, Erika
Rappaport, and Talia Schaffer.

The theme for the NAVSA/VSAWC 2007 conference is Victorian
Materialities. Conference threads include all aspects of Victorian
material culture. Proposals for the general call for papers will be
due February 15, 2007. They should be sent to
<> All proposals should be two
pages (500 words) long; please include in addition a one-page
curriculum vitae. Please submit electronically as an attachment in
.doc or .rtf format. All participants must have paid 2007 NAVSA or VSAWC dues.

The conference will also include a number of interdisciplinary
Special Sessions with organizers as follows:

1. Material Empire: Exchanging Objects and Shaping Imperial Identities

Julie F. Codell
Professor, Art History and English
Arizona State University

2. Materiality and Memory

Kate Flint
Professor of English
Rutgers University

3. William Morris and Material Culture

Florence Boos
Department of English
University of Iowa

4. Grit in the Lens: The Instruments of Victorian Visuality

  Dennis Denisoff
Ryerson Research Chair
Department of English and Graduate Programme in
Communications and Culture
Ryerson University

5. Queer Matters/Queer Materialities

John Potvin
Assistant Professor
School of Fine Art and Music
University of Guelph

6. Victorian Deformities

Nadja Durbach
Associate Professor
Department of History
University of Utah

7. (Im)materialities: Religion and Material Culture

Joy Dixon
Associate Professor
Department of History
University of British Columbia

8. The Gendered Material Culture of Aestheticism and Decadence

Diana Maltz
Department of English
Southern Oregon University

9. Pre-Raphaelite Conflicts Between Aesthetic Production and Economic

Sophia Andres
Professor of English
University of Texas, Permian Basin

10. Metropolitan Materialities

Lara Kriegel
Department of History
Florida International University

  (For detailed descriptions and titles, please see our web site:
<> Proposals
should be sent to session organizers by February 1, 2007. Papers
that are not accepted for particular sessions will automatically be
included in the general call for papers and will be considered for
inclusion in the program at large.

Questions should be directed to Dr. Lisa Surridge, University of

Dr. Lisa Surridge
Department of English
University of Victoria
P.O. Box 3070 Victoria B.C.
V8W 3W1
Ph. 250-721-7246
Fax: 250-721-6498

Join us in Victoria for the 2007 NAVSA conference!

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Jan 19 2007 - 20:24:59 EST
