UPDATE: Victorian Transformations (5/1/07; collection)
UPDATE: Victorian Transformations (5/1/07; collection)
I am seeking abstracts for essays to be included in a proposed collection on the topic of Victorian transformations. Suitable abstracts might look at form, its alterations, and the effect of those alterations on culture, psychology, literature, etc. For instance, papers might examine evolution's threat to the notion of the human form as fixed and perfected or offer explanations for the nineteenth century's fascination with the deformed and monstrous. Of particular interest to me, however, are abstracts which take literary form as their focus. For instance, contributors might explore changes to the novel's structure (e.g. narratorial innovations, vestigial uses of the epistolary etc.) or to poetic conventions (e.g. the growth of the dramatic monologue, revived interest in the sonnet sequence etc.) in the Victorian period. I also seek abstracts with strong arguments that make clear interpretive claims for the texts they investigate, as opposed to offering insights that are dis!
connected from a larger argumentative thesis. Cambridge Scholars Press has solicited a proposal for this collection, and I will also send the proposal to other scholarly presses. Abstracts should be one to two pages long. Articles will likely range from fifteen to twenty pages in length. Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
Victorian rereadings, revisions or responses to literary forms
Monstrosity, deformation, shape shifting
Constructing, reconstructing, deconstructing notions of identity
Cultural, political, literary or generic sea changes
Moments of intense change: birth, illness, death, etc.
Transformative powers of art, religion, love, etc.
Abstracts should be submitted, preferably via Word or RTF email attachment, to tredennickb_at_gonzaga.edu. Alternately, abstracts can be sent via regular mail to Professor Bianca Tredennick, English Department, Gonzaga University, 502 East Boone Avenue, Spokane, WA 99258. Please include a brief CV or equivalent biographical statement with your abstract.
The deadline for abstracts is May 1, 2007.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Fri Jan 19 2007 - 20:25:06 EST