CFP: Children and Childhood Studies (2/28/07; journal issue)
Call for Papers for a Special Edition of
MP: An international feminist online, peer-reviewed journal
Spring 2007
"Feminist Voices in Children and Childhood Studies: Critical Readings of
Popular Culture."
Deadline: February 28, 2007
This special edition will explore the new interdisciplinary field of
Children and Childhood Studies through the lens of feminist criticism.
Papers will examine the impact of popular culture on children and childhood,
as well as the role of children and young adults as influencers and creators
of that popular culture. Topics under consideration include but are not
limited to: online gaming; toys, games, and gender in the culture of
childhood; and feminist readings of classics such as Uncle Tom's Cabin.
To be considered for this issue, send a brief abstract (150 words maximum),
a brief bio (50 words maximum) and a current CV. Electronic submissions
using Microsoft Word are preferred. Please send to the issue editors:
Vibiana Bowman
Lynda Hinkle
Lynda L. Hinkle
Rutgers University-Camden
J.D. Candidate, 2009
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sun Jan 28 2007 - 15:00:43 EST