CFP: Practical Approaches To Teaching Culture (3/1/07; RMMLA, 10/4/07-10/7/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Bridges, Deborah L
contact email: 

CFP: Practical Approaches to Teaching Culture (03/01/07; RMMLA, Oct 4-7, 2007, Calgary, Albert, Canada)

I am seeking submissions for the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association's "Practical Approaches to Teaching Culture" panel, to be presented at the 61st annual RMMLA convention in Calgary, Alberta, Canada (October 4-7, 2007).

In today's multicultural environment, college instructors are challenged to develop lessons that increase students' understanding of culture and intercultural interaction. By integrating innovative and creative lessons into our curricula, we can engage students so that they apply the lessons they learn in the classroom to the world around them.

What are some ways that you challenge students in considering and analyzing the ideas of culture?

This panel seeks creative yet critical approaches toward teaching culture in the classroom. We seek equally creative and innovative presentations of those lessons to the group, allowing attendees of this session to see and discuss your lesson, review handouts, view PowerPoint presentation, and perhaps review sample student writing or projects.

Please submit a 250-word abstract describing your presentation, what audio/visual aids you will need to present, and a short 100-word description of yourself.

Deadline for abstracts: March 1, 2007.

Those who have been accepted to this panel will be notified by March 15, 2007.

In order to present at this conference, those who are accepted must pay the applicable RMMLA dues (by April 1) *AND* convention registration fee.

For more information about this conference, including but not limited to the general call for papers, other sessions' calls for papers, and available grants and awards to aid in the costs of attending (for both faculty and students), review the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association Convention website at:

You may also contact me, if you have additional questions:

Deborah Bridges
Course Coordinator/Clinical Assistant Professor
University of Houston School of Communication
CELL: (832) 444-7772



University of Houston
School of Communication
101-Communication Building
Houston, TX 77204-3002

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Received on Sun Jan 28 2007 - 15:02:04 EST