UPDATE: J.G. Ballard Conference (UK) (2/17/07; 5/5/07)
"From Shanghai to Shepperton": An International Conference on J.G. Ballard
University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom, Saturday 5th May 2007.
Guest Speakers Include:
Toby Litt
Dr Roger Luckhurst (Birkbeck)
Professor Philip Tew (Brunel)
David Pringle
Professor Jon Cook (UEA)
Professor Mark Currie (UEA)
Professor Vic Sage (UEA)
J.G. Ballard is one of the most significant and popular contemporary
authors. Over the course of a career spanning nearly half a century,
Ballard has been scanning the ambiguities and peculiarities of the
contemporary landscape with the keen eye of the flâneur. Moving laterally
across form (short story, novel, prose poetry, performance art, collage)
and genre (science fiction, cultural journalism, detective fiction,
autobiography), he has written with equal insight and intensity on subject
matter as varied as nuclear apocalypse, the cult of celebrity, the
psychology of consumerism, the erotics of automobile styling, and the
meaning of meaningless violence.
Papers and panels are invited on all relevant topics and themes, although
the following are especially welcome:
Post-9/11 Politics; Political Terrorism and the psychology of meaningless
violence; Consumerism and Fascism; Surrealism and the Visual Arts; Urban
Space/Psychogeography; Representations of Cultural and Historical
Violence; Pornography and the Female Body; Memory and Trauma; Apocalypse
and the 'Sense of an Ending'; Genre; Autobiography and History; Humour;
Ballard's Cultural Journalism; Ballard as Short Story Writer
Send abstracts for proposed panels and/or papers of 200-250 words per
paper, together with a brief biographical note to Jeannette Baxter on the
following email (j.baxter_at_uea.ac.uk) or mailing address:
Dr Jeannette Baxter
"From Shanghai to Shepperton": An International Conference on J.G. Ballard
School of Literature and Creative Writing,
University of East Anglia,
Norwich NR4 7TJ, United Kingdom.
Proposal deadline: THURSDAY 15TH FEBRUARY, 2007. Individual requests from
international delegates who require earlier notification of acceptance are
For further conference details, please visit the website:
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Sun Jan 28 2007 - 15:01:48 EST