UPDATE: Paths to Freedom: PA College English Association (1/31/07; PCEA, 4/12/07-4/14/07)
Pennsylvania College English Association (PCEA) Conference
April 12-14, 2007
Carriage House at Holiday Inn
West Chester, PA
PCEA invites proposals for panels or individual papers for the annual
conference to be held April 12-14, 2007 in West Chester, PA.
Chester County provided an important link on the Underground Railroad,
providing some of the most frequented stops for slaves heading north to
freedom. Frederick Douglass visited West Chester often, giving his last
public lecture at West Chester University. Later, Route 30, one of the main
roads through West Chester, was the first coast-to-coast highway, offering
freedom for those who chose to take it. In keeping with the theme of our
locale, we invite proposals related to the topic of freedom, such as issues
and/or themes of freedom found in literature and film, the freedom to read
and write, or the freedom gained by reading and writing. In addition to
special sessions on the topic of freedom, we will consider all proposals
related to the study and/or teaching of film, literature, composition and
linguistics, as well as creative work.
Proposals are due by January 31, 2007, and should include the following
Institutional Affiliation (if applicable)
Mailing Address (including zip code)
Phone number
E-mail address
Title of proposed presentation
250-500 word abstract
A-V equipment needs, if any (limited to VCR, DVD, TV)
Special needs, if any
Submit proposals by email to the Program Chair, Dr. Teresa Caruso at
Presenters must join PCEA in order to participate. To preserve time for
discussion, PCEA limits individual presentations to 15 minutes.
More information can be found at
Graduate and undergraduate students may compete for the annual PCEA Best
Papers Award in separate divisions. The awards are given in three
categories (critical, creative poetry, creative prose) and carry a small
monetary prize.
Critical papers and creative prose should be conference length (8-10
pages); poetry submissions should include four poems. Send three copies
with your name removed from all pages together with a transmittal letter
that includes your name, address, school affiliation, level of study, email
address and phone number, to the Program Chair: Dr. Teresa Caruso, Penn
State Erie, 5091 Station Road, Erie, PA 16563. Only those submissions
postmarked by January 31, 2007 will be considered.
You may refer to the PCEA web site at
for more details. Questions or other correspondence may be directed to the
Program Chair, Dr. Teresa Caruso, Penn State Erie, 5091 Station Road, Erie,
PA 16563. Telephone: 814-898-6443. Email: <mailto:tcc10_at_psu.edu>tcc10_at_psu.edu
Dr. Teresa Caruso
Coordinator of Composition
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Penn State Erie, The Behrend College
Erie, PA 16563
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Sun Jan 28 2007 - 15:37:49 EST