CFP: Books, Texts and Readers (1/31/07; 3/23/07-3/24/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Nabil Khawla
contact email: 

*The Graduate Association of French and Italian Students*

*is pleased to announce its*

*20th Annual Symposium*

Books, Texts and Readers in French and Italian Studies

March 23-24, 2007

University of Wisconsin, Madison

Keynote speaker
Michael H. Shank

Writing and reading texts on stone, wood, parchment, paper and electronic
interfaces as well as transposing them in visual arts and film are practices
that cut across the history of French, Francophone and Italian Literature.
These practices can be intended in their material side (e.g. the way the
material support of a text is designed, crafted, used) and in their
discursive side (e.g. the way a text integrates the design, craft and use of
its material support). The material and discursive aspects of writing and
reading can enforce or subvert within the same inscription, manuscript,
book, journal, newspaper and film. Further, they can be represented,
parodied, challenged and ridiculed in textual and visual representations.
Therefore, the study of these practices extends across the boundaries of
disciplines such as philology, bibliography, art history and textual
criticism, and sets out the terms for a dialogue, the goal of which is to
rethink the approach to the literary objects we investigate.

We welcome 250-350 words abstracts for papers related to the topic of books,
texts and readers. Symposium presentations should be in English, twenty
minutes in length, and may address a topic from any period or
discipline. Please
submit the *250-350 word abstract* by e-mail attachment *no later than
31st, 2007* to Nabil Khawla and Matteo Soranzo, symposium co-chairs, at **. To download the abstract submission form and
for more information regarding the symposium, please visit our website:

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Thu Feb 01 2007 - 17:33:42 EST