CFP: Doris Lessing and Modernism (3/10/07; MLA '07)

full name / name of organization: 
Tonya Krouse
contact email: 

Panel on Doris Lessing and Modernism, sponsored by the Doris Lessing
Society, an Allied Organization of the Modern Language Association.


Beginning her career after World War II and continuing to publish up to
the present day, Doris Lessing's texts can be difficult for critics to
place. Are they modernist? Postmodern? What are Lessing's influences?
Do Lessing's texts extend the work of modernist writers like Woolf,
Joyce, Eliot, or Lawrence, or does she resist the influence of these
writers? =20


This panel will explore Lessing's relationship to modernism. We seek
papers that examine Lessing's engagement with and/or reaction against
particular modernist authors, modernist aesthetic trends, or modernist
politics. Papers should focus their claims in relation to one or more
of Lessing's texts. To be considered for the panel, please send a
250-word abstract and a brief bio (MS Word attachment preferred) by
March 10, 2007 to:


Tonya Krouse

Assistant Professor of English

Department of Literature and Language

Northern Kentucky University




Tonya Krouse

Assistant Professor of English

Department of Literature and Language

Northern Kentucky University


              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Thu Feb 01 2007 - 17:34:29 EST