CFP: Environmental Justice and Global Citizenship 6 (UK): (3/9/07; 7/2/07-7/5/07)
6th Global Conference
Environmental Justice and Global Citizenship
Monday 2nd July - Thursday 5th July 2007
Mansfield College, Oxford
Call for Papers
Environments, Sustainability and Technologies
This inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary conference aims to
explore the role of ecology and environmental ideas in the context of
contemporary society and international politics, and assess the
implications for our understandings of fairness, justice and global
In particular, the 6th Global Conference on Ecological Justice and
Global Citizenship will explicitly explore the relationships between
environments, sustainability and technology, the role of technology in
creating possibilities for sustainable resources for the future, and
the inherent problems and dangers which accompany that role.
Papers, presentations, reports and workshops are invited on any of the
following indicative themes;
1. GM
* GM as a symbol of public perceptions of the possibilities and
challenges offered by technology and public understanding of risks of
technological developments in relation to the environment
* Expert vs. lay knowledge; Who decides? Scientists, politicians or
'the people'?
* Participatory decision-making; e.g., the 'GM Nation' debate that
took place in the UK in summer 2003
* Environmental ethics; relations between humans and 'nature'
* New and emerging thinkers and trends of thought
* The role and place of Environmental protest; forms of resistance to
GM, their significance and impact
* The political economy of GM; trade, aid, justice, international
* Technology and 'progress'; what counts as technological development?
Which is more modern - GM food or organic food?
* Developing countries and GM; the place of developing countries in
the GM debate; the responsibility of the developers towards developing
countries; whether patterns of development are predicated on wrong
perceptions about the role of technology; the coverage of and access
to alternative technologies
2. Cooperative and Sustainable Development
* Human rights, state sovereignty and the global commons
* The significance of the welfare state; the principle of distribution
* Sustainable employment and cooperation between capital and labour
* Property rights and private insurance vs. pooling of human and
ecological resources
* Transport and the environment; designing and delivering national and
international transport systems; creating sustainable transport networks
* Responsible consumption and corporate transparency and accountability
* Communities taking responsibility for the local environment
* Civil society and the role of NGOs
3. Environmental Education and Intellectual Health
* Environmental issues and the curriculum; integrating environmental
awareness and education in the primary, secondary and higher education
* The components of scholarship: discovery-research, teaching,
integration and application
* The emerging synthesis of perceptual psychology and ecological awareness
* The humanistic model vs the ecological model
* The role of the planning and design sciences
* Teaching citizenship, identity and ethics
* Designing the ecological curriculum
* The integration of distinct disciplines; trans-disciplinary innovations
4. Citizenship, Technological Innovation & Sustainability
* The deployment and mobilisation of technologies
* How we engage with the various ways in which citizens (in lay or
professional roles) can, are, or could be involved in the processes of
achieving increased sustainability in the way they design, make and
implement technologies
* The social nature of technologies;
* Developing understandings of user and community 'participation' in
design and decision making processes
* The need for greater multi- and trans-disciplinary collaboration and
its essential accompanying characteristic of inter-disciplinary or
joined-up thinking
* Technology, buildings, cities and planning policies: the role of
technology in designing and constructing buildings and cities to more
sustainable effect; the impact of information technologies; knowledge
management and the environment
Papers are also solicited for sessions which deal with issues
surrounding the health impacts of technological developments. For
example, we welcome submissions dealing with themes exploring the
notion of 'environments' (both natural, built and virtual) as a
backdrop where technologies are used through thought and action to
achieve sustainability, but where mismatches between environmental
issues and technological solutions have experienceable effects on
health which, untreated (such as non- recognition of stress, mental
ill health), result in illness. Papers could also deal with the gap
between environmental ills and technological and technical solutions,
and the possible consequent greater probability of disease and death.
Holistic solutions to health, illness and environmental issues could
usefully be explored, along with citizenship issues and access to
health care.
Perspectives are sought from
* people engaged in actor network theory, agriculture and agricultural
economics, the built environment disciplines, conflict resolution and
mediation, critical geography, environmental studies, human
development and ecology, industrial relations and design, literature
and literary studies, philosophy and ethics, political science and
international affairs, public policy and advising, social sciences,
sociology of science, theology, urban studies, western European studies
* people in the public and private sectors who are involved in
planning and project development, policy-making and implementation,
and negotiation and mediation at national and international levels
* people in Governmental, inter-governmental and non-governmental
organisations, voluntary sector bodies, environmental charities and
groups, business and professional associations
Papers will be considered on any related theme. 300 word abstracts
should be submitted by Friday 9th March 2007. If selected for
presentation, 8 page draft conference papers should be submitted by
Friday 8th June 2007.
Papers should be submitted to the Joint Organising Chairs: these
should be sent as an email attachment in Word or WordPerfect;
abstracts can also be submitted in the body of the email text rather
than as an attachment.
Joint Organising Chairs
Dr. S. Ram Vemuri
School of Law and Business
Faculty of Law, Business and Arts
Charles Darwin University
Darwin, NT 0909, Australia
Dr Rob Fisher
Priory House, 149B Wroslyn Road
Freeland, Oxfordshire OX29 8HR
United Kingdom
All papers accepted for and presented at the conference will be
published in an ISBN eBook. Selected papers accepted for and presented
at the conference will be published in a themed hard copy volume. Four
themed volumes are in print and/or in press from previous meetings of
the project.
The conference is part of the 'Probing the Boundaries' programme of
research projects. It aims to bring together people from different
areas and interests to share ideas and explore various discussions
which are innovative and exciting.
For further details about the project please visit:
For further details about the conference please visit:
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Thu Feb 01 2007 - 17:35:25 EST