CFP: Hemingway's Style (3/2/07; MLA '07)

full name / name of organization: 
del Gizzo, Suzanne
contact email: 

Panel Title: Hemingway's Style
MLA Conference in Chicago, December 27-30, 2007

Throughout his career, Hemingway's famed economical style was both celebrated and parodied, but in reality Hemingway wrote all kinds of sentences, using a sophisticated armory of grammar and punctuation. For this panel, we invite papers that address Hemingway's style throughout his career, including his posthumous career, and in all genres, including poetry. Papers might explore topics such as sentence length (including but not limited to the significance and/or patterns of sentence length and the manipulation of sentence length in particular contexts-- in quoted dialogue; of narrators; in humorous passages, etc.), the way Hemingway's use of languages other than English and/or his attempts at translation affect his style, and the way illness may have affected Hemingway's style in later years.

Please send 1-page proposals (including institutional affiliation and av needs) to Suzanne del Gizzo ( by March 2nd.

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Received on Thu Feb 01 2007 - 17:34:04 EST