CFP: Interpreting Robert Altman (4/15/07; collection)

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This is a call for submissions to a proposed edition of essays on the =
work of director Robert Altman. A couple of months after his =
unfortunate death, the Independent Film Center is finishing up a major =
retrospective of his work. Therefore, it is time to re-examine the =
varied canon of this influential filmmaker.

Topics could include:
    Altman's influence on contemporary filmmaking
    The social, political, and aesthetic meaning of his "mosaic" style =
of storytelling
    Portrayal of women in his films
    His use of politics
    His films as historical documents of their time
    His use of the same actors and actresses in his films
    His innovations in sound and dialogue=20
    His subversion of certain cinematic genres=20
    His filmed stage plays
    His decline in popularity in the eighties and resurgence in the =
    The issue of race in his films
    Satire in his films=20

Send 1-2 page abstracts by April 15, 2007 to:

Stephen R. Armstrong
Assistant Professor of English
Kingsborough Community College
2001 Oriental Blvd.
Brooklyn, NY 11235

or email<>

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Thu Feb 01 2007 - 17:34:22 EST
