CFP: Michigan Feminist Studies: Knowledge (2/9/07; journal issue)
Michigan Feminist Studies invites submissions for its 2006-2007 issue
on the theme of "Knowledge." Feminist theory and practice have long
been concerned both with how knowledge is constituted and with what
types of types of knowledge are valued. Moreover, feminist analysis
has reflexively examined its own production and evaluation of
knowledge. This volume of Michigan Feminist Studies seeks to further
engage the concept of knowledge broadly conceived, exploring new areas
of inquiry and revisiting established ones from new angles. We
encourage submissions that draw linkages between gender and other
social identities, including, but not limited to race, sexual
orientation, class, ability, and nationality.
We are interested in considering questions such as: What are the sites,
practices and tenets of feminist knowledge production? How do we
articulate and communicate this knowledge? How does gender, along with
other identity categories, affect people's understanding of knowledge
and expertise? How can feminist analysis help us engage with popular
and conventional understandings of knowledge? How are some forms of
expertise gendered and with what results?
More specific topics for submissions could include:
• Feminism and science / feminist science
• Gender and cognition
• Gender and education / feminism and education
• Feminist methodologies and epistemologies
• Gender and information seeking behavior
• Domesticity and gendered knowledge
• Religion and spiritual knowledge
• Biology, sex and knowledge
• The concentration of women in particular disciplines and sub-fields
within the academy
These questions and topics are intended as suggestions and not
limitations. We welcome submissions in the form of scholarly analysis,
reviews, creative writing, and visual art. We encourage submissions
from all disciplines.
Michigan Feminist Studies is an annual publication edited by graduate students
at the University of Michigan. MFS particularly encourages interdisciplinary
submissions, and has published papers in many disciplines, including (but not
limited to) anthropology, sociology, psychology, literature, language &
linguistics, science studies, history, philosophy, art history, film,
science, and education. Emerging and established scholars, graduate students,
independent scholars, and activists are invited to apply.
Manuscripts should be 4000-6000 words and double-spaced. Please submit three
single-sided copies, and include a 150-200 word abstract, brief biographical
note, institutional and departmental affiliation, address, telephone number,
and e-mail address. Papers may be submitted in the accepted format of your
academic discipline (e.g., MLA, APA). If your paper is selected, you will be
asked to submit an electronic file.
Mail submissions to: Michigan Feminist Studies
1122 Lane Hall
204 South State Street
The University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1290
Or send as an email attachment to
Deadline for submissions is February 9, 2007
Inquiries can be directed to
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Thu Feb 01 2007 - 17:35:10 EST