CFP: Performance and Spirituality (5/15/07; journal issue)
Performance and Spirituality=20
The Journal of the Institute for the Study of Performance and Spirituality=
CFP: "Delineating the Field": Submission Deadline, May 15, 2007.=20
(The Institute for the Study of Performance and Spirituality is an emerging=
research center that operates in association with the Martin E. Segal Theat=
Center of The Graduate Center, of the City University of New York.)=20
Performance and Spirituality=E2=80=94a new peer-reviewed, annually-published=
journal dedicated to examining intersections of new and alternative forms o=
spirituality/religion and theatre/performance=E2=80=94is seeking articles fo=
r the =20
first issue, entitled "Delineating the Field." A "new" and/or "alternative"=20=
spirituality/religion refers to any such movement, current, or worldview tha=
t is =20
perceived as somehow outside of the "traditional," "dominant," or =20
"mainstream" conventions of the society/societies in which it appears. Exam=
ples might=20
include alchemy, Falun Gong, freemasonry, Santeria, neo-paganism, the=20
International Society for Krishna Consciousness, spiritualism, the contempo=
Christian rapture culture=E2=80=94and many others. The purpose of this issu=
e is to reveal=20
the richness, breadth, and diversity of this field of study, and to show th=
continuous adaptation and transformation of the relationship between=20
religion/spirituality and performance/theatre. A non-exhaustive list of pos=
subjects include: historical, cultural, and theoretical analyses of perform=
traditions that are associated with new and alternative spiritual/religious=
movements of any time period; examinations of "secular" performances that d=
with concepts from new and alternative spirituality and religion; articles=20
that employ methods from theatre studies, performance studies, and other=20
disciplines (i.e. sociology of religion, urban anthropology, etc.) to exami=
relevant performance and theatre.=20
Illustrations and video clips=E2=80=94even raw quality=E2=80=94are encourag=
ed. (Submit=20
video clips, photographs, or images in downloadable form via email.)=20
Please submit articles of 20 to 30 pages in length, accompanied by a=20
200-word abstract to Dr. Edmund Lingan at by May 15, 200=
7, with =E2=80=9C
Performance and Spirituality Article" in the subject header. Manuscripts=20
should be in Times New Roman (12 point) font, and double-spaced throughout=20
(including endnotes). All submissions should be prepared according to the C=
Manual of Style, 15th ed. Submissions must be in PC compatible Microsoft =20
Word. Contributors are responsible for obtaining permission and paying costs=
to =20
reproduce any materials, including illustrations and video clips for which t=
do not hold the copyright. To secure a blind reading, the title of the=20
essay, author=E2=80=99s name, mailing address, phone and fax numbers, and e=
mail address=20
should appear on a separate cover sheet (with the title repeated on the fir=
page of the article).
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or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Thu Feb 01 2007 - 18:59:08 EST