CFP: Sylvia Plath (grad) (2/16/07; (dis)junctions, 4/6/07-4/7/07)

full name / name of organization: 

This call for papers is for a proposed panel to be
held at (dis)junctions 2007: Malappropriation Nation
at the University of California Riverside's 14th
Annual Humanities Graduate Conference on April 6-7,
(dis)junctions is now proud to welcome our two
speakers. On Friday, April 6th, Dr. Bonnie Zimmerman
of SDSU will be joining us. Dr. Karen Tongson, USC,
will be speaking on Saturday, April 7th.

This panel is concerned with all things Sylvia Plath.
We are searching for papers covering a wide range of
Slyvia-related topics, including but not
limited to
-Plath and mainstream media
-papers that question the purely biographical
representations of Plath within the literary community
-feminist dialogues within and around Plath's works
-examinations of the recent Hollywood film Sylvia

Abstracts of 250-300 words should be e-mailed to by February 16th,
2007(text in the body of the message; please no

For more information, please visit the website at

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Thu Feb 01 2007 - 17:35:42 EST